RPM Industries LLC

Which Industries Benefit From Plastic Injection Molding?

When it comes to plastic injection molding manufacturers, each has something unique to offer. Because differences exist from one company to another, it is important to select one with a reputation for delivering superior-quality profiles at an affordable price.


What Is Plastic Injection Molding?

Injection molding companies provide a much-needed service to a broad range of industries and for multiple applications. The manufacturer uses either pellets or granular plastic resins to produce finished products with extreme precision. The process involves using different types of resin, including polystyrene, polycarbonate, polypropylene, polyethylene, acrylic, polyvinyl chloride, and others, based on the customer’s specifications.


The plastic injection molding material properties play a critical role in the quality of the finished part or component. For that reason, the best manufacturers work with trusted suppliers that provide high-quality raw material. With that, the end profile meets the customer’s specifications and tight tolerances.


The injection molding process consists of several stages. In simple terms, these phases include clamping and injection, solidifying and ejection, and quality control. The melted resin injects into the cavity of a mold that represents the size and shape of the finished profile. Once the plastic cools and hardens, it ejects from the mold. At that point, an expert checks the product carefully for any aesthetic or functional defects.


A Broad Reach

Due to precision, cost-savings, quick turnaround, repeatability, large volume production, and other factors, plastic injection molding is a diverse solution for a multitude of industries.


If you need any of these products made or something different, we can help. RPM Industries, LLC has more than 30 years of experience in creating plastic injection molded profiles. Call today to learn more.